A Community Center for Health, Education and the Arts

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Help inform what services and programming will be offered at the future HEArts Center within the themes of Health, Education and Arts and Culture.

We have been dreaming of and advocating for a community center for Mott Haven & Port Morris for 10 years, a space focused on holistic health, education, and the arts: The HEArts Center.

We are now making that dream a reality.

Why Now?

Given the myriad challenges faced by residents of Mott Haven and Port Morris, there should be a community center every few blocks. Instead, there are zero that serve as a multi-purpose, multi-use, and multi-organization space where youth, adults, and elders alike can go for a variety of programming.

Keenly aware of this deficiency and seeing that there was a building lying abandoned that could fill this desperate need, community members came together to dream, envision, and advocate to transform the dilapidated structure, the former Lincoln Detox Center, into a thriving community hub.

What is H.E.Arts?

Through years of community-led engagement sessions and planning on how the building at 349 E 140th Street should be transformed and used, we arrived at the idea of H.E.Arts, a center to provide health (H), education (E), and arts (Arts) programming. Expanding on the rich history of the building and reversing its existing state of deterioration, the Mott Haven Port Morris Community Land Stewards (The Land Stewards) aims to acquire and convert the 22,750 square foot building into a community-controlled asset that would serve as a vital anchor and tool for local economic empowerment and self-determination.

What are Community Land Trusts?

Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are community-controlled non-profit organizations that own, steward, and/or manage land in ways that promote public good. They exist outside of the influence of market pressure, create spaces that meet community needs and priorities, develop deeply affordable housing, uphold sustainable development, and address historical injustices. MHPMCLS is proud to be a community land trust and to be part of the citywide land trust movement through the NYC Community Land Initiative.

What is The Land Stewarts?

The Mott Haven-Port Morris Community Land Stewards is a CLT that was created in 2013 by South Bronx residents to acquire land for public use and to hold it in perpetuity. We seek to ensure that community members retain a stake in our neighborhood and promote pathways to meaningful self-determination for the Mott Haven-Port Morris community.

What is South Bronx Unite?

South Bronx Unite (SBU) is a community-based organization that brings together neighborhood residents, community organizations, academic institutions, and allies to improve and protect the social, environmental, and economic future of Mott Haven and Port Morris. SBU is also the advocacy arm for MHPMCLS, and is helping to coordinate and strengthen the H.E.Arts Center project together with a wide range of community and project stakeholders.

The Campaign

South Bronx Unite began engaging the community in 2013 after the building became vacant, collaborating with local grassroots organizations to explore its potential redevelopment. By 2015, they formed the Port Morris-Mott Haven Community Land Stewards as a CLT to acquire and steward the space. In 2016, partnering with CCNY's Spitzer School of Architecture, they facilitated envisioning events, leading to a unified vision emphasizing Health, Education, and the arts - thus the HEArts Community Center vision was born.

Through activities like word exercises and discussions, community members expanded their understanding of community needs and solidified the vision for the space, forging new connections and possibilities for collective prosperity.


Vision for the future H.E.Arts Building

Lincoln Detox Center History Timeline

A Victory for the Community

In September 2023, The Land Stewards and our joint venture developer partner, Alembic Community Development, were selected as the winning applicant to the Request For proposals issued by New York City Economic Development Corporation to redevelop the vacant Lincoln Recovery Center building into the H.E.Arts Community Center!

The Land Stewards is now undertaking a bold campaign of resistance and hope — building the H.E.Arts Community Center — to bring this project to life, and help protect and enhance the future of the South Bronx.

The H.E.Arts Center in the news

Next Steps for the H.E.Arts Center

As the H.E.Arts Community Center moves toward construction and operations, the project team is focused on the achieving the following milestones:

Deepen Support

  • Gain broader public support

  • Reconfirm community priorities through Programs and Services Survey

  • Participate in H.E.Arts Community Center events and activities to continue building awareness

Secure Funding

  • Seek and secure public and private funding

  • Widen the network of partners

  • Complete $13M H.E.Arts Capital Campaign

Renovate & Begin Programming

  • Procure general contractor

  • Finalize architectural drawings and obtain permits

  • Remediate and renovate building

Our Partners

Taller Experimental de Arte

La Peña del Bronx

Invite People to Support, Share and advocate for the H.E.Arts Community Center

Reach Out

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any inquiries you may have by filling the form below or emailing us.


127 Lincoln Ave., 2nd Fl